movie 1
Ranma: "Bride? Hey, pal...what exactly do you mean by bride, huh?"
Kirin: "The word bride is a destination giving to a newly wed woman, also known as a wife.
Ranma: That's not what I meant! There's no way you're gonna make Akane a bride! You've got that?"
Kirin: "And why do we need your permission pretale?"
Ranma: "Because! She's my fiancee!"
Akane: "Ranma!"
Kirin: " liar..."
Ranma: "I'm not gonna lie about a thing like that!"
Kirin: "'re a woman..."
Ranma: "I...I forgot..."
Akane: "You dolt."
Ranma: "Never mind that! There's no way you're gonna make Akane a bride! You've got that? If you take her..."
Kirin: "If Kirin takes her..."
Ranma: "All of you will..."
Kirin: "And all of us will what?"
Ranma: "DIE! From Akane's terrible cooking!"
Akane: Stop it. Please stop it Kirin. If this goes on Ranma will...
Ranma: Akane, a girl's not supposed to butt in on a battle between men.
Akane: What? But Ranma you're losing! I'm just worried about you.
Ranma: You idiot. You don't know anything do you? If I quit now how will I get you back?
Akane: Ranma?